Our Miracle - Ryker's Journey with Heterotaxy

Our Miracle - Ryker's Journey with Heterotaxy

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


4/3/13 I love having my happy boy back ~ Rachel

4/2/13 After a VERY rough couple of nights, Ryker is a Happy, Smiley boy again this morning!! He was having a lot of horrible belly pain, that kept him up for almost a full 72 hours straight :( & now, thank goodness, this sweet baby boy is sleeping soundly & snug in my arms. He also is getting MOLARS!?!?? He hasn't even broke his first tooth yet & now he is going to get molars for his first teeth :( Poor Baby! But Ryker likes doing things that are labeled as "RARE" so we will just go with it & hopefully they will break thru soon! For all of you that saw him in his adorable Easter suit, there are lots more pics to come! It was so wonderful having him HOME where he belongs, for Easter!! :) ~ Rachel

3/30/13 Ryker has had a really good week! We've gotten all settled in with being home again & LOVING every single second of it! He is just starting to seem a little more like my happy, bright eyed Ryker, still not smiling constantly like he usually does, but I know he will get back there soon enough! Daddy was finally able to talk me into cutting Ryker's hair last night for the second time (first time was in October) & I am SO happy I did! He looks ADORABLE!! I will post pics soon! Other than that, we have been loving having my Brother Joe & his wife Carol in town & having LOTS of much needed Family time! :)~ Rachel

BEFORE 2nd Hair Cut

AFTER his second haircut!!! Such a handsome Big Boy! :)

3/26/13 - Shannon and Makay visit

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