1 Foods -Stevensville, MT
Miracle Ryker Benefit!
Thursday, September 6th,
2012 from 9am to 5pm
cream, Hot dogs, Pop!
Raffle Tickets $1.00
to win a mountain bike, kids 4-wheeler ($500 value), tabletop propane camp stove, stand up Coleman camp stove, float tube and more! (Some items need to be 21 to
enter !)
Also join us for the Miracle Ryker Benefit Dinner. We have some great raffle items you do not want to miss out on. Please pre-purchase your tickets.
As you may know if you follow Ryker on facebook his parents
(Jason & Rachel) take turns spending days at a time with Ryker at the
hospital and their other kids at their apartment about a hour and a half away.
Because their kids need them both at this time it is impossible for Jason or
Rachel to currently hold a job and it will continue to be that way until after
Ryker is recovered from his next surgery, stable and at home. It is because of
all the amazing people following Ryker's story that we have been able to reach
our first goal of paying off the jet loan. Our current goal is to raise enouch
money to sustain their living expenses for as long as Ryker needs our help.
Sweet Ryker sitting up today!
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