Our Miracle - Ryker's Journey with Heterotaxy

Our Miracle - Ryker's Journey with Heterotaxy

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today the Dr. wanted to take Ryker off his paralytic and extubate him (remove tube from airway). The process of extubation is not fun at all for Ryker or his parents. In order to extubate they have to take Ryker off his paralytic and narcotics as much as possible. Once they extubate him and he is breathing on his own they can slowly give him more medicine to control his pain. The process did not go smoothly today and they were unable to extubate him.

Dr. Pedro del Nido was expecting to come in and see Ryker extubated this afternoon and was not pleased when he saw it was not completed. He gave the nurse some different recommendations and said he expected to see him extubated tomorrow. So please pray for Ryker, Jason and Rachel that the process goes smoothly tomorrow.

The GOOD NEWS is that they took out the chest tubes and the IV from his neck. Dr. Del Nido is very happy with his heart rate. He wanted to test it today so he turned down the pace maker and Ryker's heart did a better job at maintaining his heart rate than the pace maker. The Dr. said that was very good. Rachel said when the Dr. says things different than okay or fine it must be a VERY good thing :). His kidneys are still stressed and they are monitoring them.

We are currently in the process of working on getting the kids to Boston. If anyone has air miles they would like to donate please let me know.

Thank you so much for your support we are so grateful for all our family, friends and new friends. You have all made this possible and have all helped to save Ryker's life.

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